Art by Kailyn Shaw
Exercise is important, but exercising on a budget can be difficult. Here is a list of accessible and affordable workout options for high schoolers:
Planet Fitness
Planet Fitness is a great gym for people who want to workout at their own pace. You can get the Classic Membership at any Planet Fitness Gym for a starting fee of $49 and a monthly fee of $10. This membership includes unlimited access to the nearest club, free Wifi, a no-commitment requirement, and free access to the personal trainers at the gym who can instruct and support you throughout your workouts.
Drop-In Swimming
If you are hoping to create a splash in your fitness journey, try out the drop-in option at your local community center. Maddison Pool is offering Sunday morning swim sessions from 11 am to 1 pm. This class is April 2 to June 18 and $4.50 for ages 1-17, $6.50 for ages 18-64. If your weekend mornings are too important, then try out the completely free drop-in swimming at Magnuson Community Center from 6:45-8:30 every Friday night for ages 13-17.
Drop-In Basketball
Want to shoot some hoops and meet new people while exercising? The International/Chinatown Community Center is offering drop-in basketball games every Wednesday from 2:30 to 5:30, April 5 to June 21 for ages 10-17. All skill levels are welcome for this completely free game!
YouTube Workout Channels
Maybe you want to workout from the comfort of your own home. Throughout Covid and with the advancement of many new technologies, it is easier than ever to workout in your living room. If this is the kind of convenience you’re looking for, there are hundreds of workout channels at the tips of your fingers…
Natacha Oceane
Natacha Oceane is a great option because she uses no extra equipment, all of her videos are made using just your body weight. Her channel provides free access to HIIT –High Intensity Interval Training, cardio, and stretching routines. She even creates no-noise workouts that are perfect for apartments. Her videos, ranging in length, cover a wide variety of topics including the diet parts of exercise as well as her workouts. You can choose any of her videos and jump right in!
Juice and Toya
Toya and Juice work together to bring you quality workout videos. On their page you can find a wide range of workouts, from cardio to weightlifting, nutrition, and a beginner’s guide to stretching. You can pick your choice of length of video and follow along with your weights from home for convenience and satisfaction.
The Fitness Marshall
If you are looking for something a little different than the traditional weight lifting to improve your endurance, look no farther! The Fitness Marshall group has choreographed dances to all of your favorite songs. Their moves are sure to get you sweating, and are designed to get your heart rate up and work all muscles. They have many free videos for you to follow along to their fun cross between exercise and entertainment. And if you become a Channel Supporter for $6.99 a month you get access to all of their exclusive content which includes live 30-minute sessions 2-4 times a month.